
I pin up here anything nice I find on the internet or anywhere in the books and newspapers!!! There may be some copyrighted things but I don't intend to break any laws....I just mean to share them.


Sunday, May 07, 2006

THE TWO LEARNED MEN by Khalil Gibran

Once there lived in the ancient city of Afkar two learned men who hated and belittled each other's learning. For one of them denied the existence of the gods and the other was a believer.
One day the two met in the market-place, and amidst their followers they began to dispute and to argue about the existence or the non-existence of the gods. And after hours of contention they parted.
That evening the unbeliever went to the temple and prostrated himself before the altar and prayed the gods to forgive his wayward past.
And the same hour the other learned man, he who had upheld the gods, burned his sacred books. For he had become an unbeliever.


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